The Detroit RFC does quite a few things with them, including providing volunteers to work the kitchen for their Friday fish fry from 5 pm - 8 pm on the first Friday of each month. The clubs within the DRFC (men, women, old boys) rotate the assignment, so each group is responsible for coming up with five or six volunteers once every three months. It's a good gig: free beer and all the fish and chips you can eat, and it's always a good chance to chit-chat with some friends. It's usually an easy "get" for volunteers, but a lot of the usual suspects had other things going on, so I spent more time than usual beating the bushes. Fortunately, all turned out well and a good time was had.
It's been pretty much downhill for me on the productivity front this weekend ever since. Monique and I had been thinking about going out to see "Watchmen", since we found ourselves enmeshed in so much of the publicity last week when we attended the fundraiser shindig at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. But after working the fish fry we were both too full of fish to want to battle the opening-night crowds. Plus, I can't help but look at the reviews and think, "This is a movie that Monique will hate." She's game enough to go with me to it, especially since we did see the display of source material, props, costumes, etc. But I can't help but think she'd really rather catch up on the three or four episodes of "Damages" that have been sitting on the DVR since we got home.
I suspect that I might just wander out and catch it myself during the week. We shall see.
The movie that we did watch Friday night was "In Bruges" on the DVD player. I'm still not quite sure how much I enjoyed it, since I really liked some pieces and didn't like other aspects of it. I did mostly enjoy it for its quirky humor, particularly in the early parts; general weirdness; and the great juxtaposition of this film noir story with the preserved and touristy medieval city of Bruges. But it did get pretty grim at the end in a way that didn't quite feel as if it fit with the movie. Still, it was a heck of a lot more interesting than most of what comes out in the way of thrillers or crime dramas these days, so I'd say it's worth the rental.
After that, it's been a pretty quiet weekend at home for me, and a pretty active weekend of errand-running for Monique. I've been trying to get a few things ironed out on the new laptop, cleaning up and organizing my desk, and doing a bit of general puttering about the house during a rainy weekend. Monique has thrown herself into some general cleanup around this place (which needs it) and a series of errands, most of which have been out of the house.
We often have weekends in which I putt about the house while Monique runs errands. I think that this is probably a reflection of the fact that I spend so little time at home during the week, and since she works at home all week and is quite happy to get out and about. Everybody like's a change of pace and locale during the weekend.
The only downside to the weekend for me has been the re-emergence of the leak in our kitchen skylight. Every few years one of our two skylights springs a leak. The leak usually emerges during a downpour, which is when vast quantities of water shed off our roof, pile up on the upslope side of the skylight, and eventually find their way past the caulk. I really don't mind climbing up on the roof and re-caulking. I just wish I didn't have to wait for decent weather because it means pots and bowls on the kitchen floor until I can caulk it up again.
Oh, and it's been an action-packed weekend for Katie the Beagle, too. After I reassured her that Cruella de Riordan was still in Gettsyburg, Katie emerged from her camouflage towel and is now contributing to the general rainy-weekend atmosphere by laying about on the couch. Here, in a series of action shots that just burst off the page she briefly contemplates standing up and stretching before curling back up to go back to sleep:

She does good work.
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