Monique and I took a lovely sunset cruise this evening on the ol' Patio Boat. It was quiet as could be, except for the chirping of crickets from shore. I fished for a while, but nary a nibble was to be had. However, as soon as I pulled in my line the fish started jumping all about us.
I figured they'd had the last laugh on me for the day, so I settled for catching a few photos, instead:

Nice sunset.
It's been a helluva summer for sunsets! I've got some shots of the sun setting in La Drôme (in France) which will soon be on Pontoon Pirates. Helluva summer for family togetherness too. But weren't you and Atlee pushing the togetherness bit a little too far? I would NOT have liked to see the post-crash photos if that pair had come tumbling down. Best photo : Michael's hovering Buddha by all means!