Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Savage Seventeen-Syllable Swordfight Continues

Haiku battle with
My fast-typin' Mom? At best,
Pyrrhic victory.

We welcome Cady
As our future furry guest
But I'll hide my shoes!


  1. I give.
    I admit, you've been way ahead since you wrote "All since departed, eaten by Cady."

  2. Granted, she's matured and changed since, but I'll never forget the first time I watched Cady for Mom and Dad. Mom left a check for $100 to cover whatever she ate while she was with us, and then said, "Just run a tab for anything over that, because she will go over that..."

  3. I just couldn't helping adding a new twist here, basic though it is...

    Katie the Beagle
    Enjoys her long walks each day
    Small bag will suffice

    Not so for the new
    Cady the black laborador
    Larger bags needed

  4. Just to put some context into the discussion

    A young black lab mix
    Chewing on shoes and much more
    This once was Aspen

  5. Send her to Susan
    Since Susan cannot bend down
    Her floors need cleaning

