Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome to the world, Emerson

One more Facebook post of interest to pass along this evening:

Rich Riordan Emerson Collins Riordan was born on Nov. 8th at 7:54 am, weighing 8lbs 13oz, 20.5 inches long.

Congratulations, Susan & Rich!

Those of you non-Facebookers out there who want to pass along your own congratulations can, of course, find Susan at Gettysburg Family, where the family has grown by one baby boy.


  1. Oh, what joy!

    Welcome Emerson, you are a lucky boy. We've been so looking forward to the news of your arrival.

    Congratulations Susan and Rich!

  2. Warmest greetings to Emerson, Mon, Dad, and siblings! That boy must have known his due date and decided to make his entry right on time. Wonderful!
