Wednesday, May 30, 2012
I'm not dead, really.
After a frenzy of posting in the first few months of this year, the last month turned into an unexpected posting desert. Sorry to leave you all with a critical deficit of beagle haiku and other nonsense, but I had two good excuses:
1) Market Share Reporter: Trends Over Time -- As mentioned in the previous post, this was the book that devoured Monique for four months. In the last few weeks before it went to the printer it swallowed me alive, too. I thought I had a clever idea that would whittle the creation of its index down to a manageable size given a very tight deadline. Instead, it turned out that I had a clever idea that whittled the creation of its index down to an Oh-my-God-it's-waaaaaay-too-big-to-edit-in-this-amount-of-time!!! size.
In retrospect, I produced an index that should've taken six full-time weeks in two weeks of mostly evenings and weekends crammed around the day job. I hope not to do such a thing again anytime soon. Needless to say, it cut deeply into my available beagle-haiku time.
2) And then, just a couple of days after MSR:TOT went to press I developed excuse #2, which I present in haiku:
Ahhhh, rugby: Thanks for
My dislocated right ring
Finger. Can't type. OUCH!
Monique has asked that I stop describing exactly what happened to my finger, so I shall simply say that the full-time splinting of my poor abused finger will end in another week or two. After that I may begin to rebuild my typing speed.
In the meantime, look for any posts in the next few weeks to be short.
Haiku needs a nature reference.....
ReplyDeleteIn a speedy rationalization I shall declare that what happened to my finger was grossly unnatural, thus qualifying the haiku in reverse under the Bizarro haiku clause!