John Magee just bought a cool Fred Hembeck drawing of Spider-Man vs. The Human Fly off e-Bay. Why? 'Cause it's a cool Fred Hembeck drawing of Spider-Man vs. The Human Fly, that's why! August 27 at 7:03pm

John Magee guesses that the evidence of a damp, freshly bathed beagle at his feet means that Monique wasn't using a simile last night when she said that Katie the Beagle smelled "like a barnyard." September 2 at 12:29pm
John Magee was really bummed this morning about a long list of grim news on the radio and newspaper. So I decided to do a random good deed to lift my spirits. And within five minutes I heard that a friend's sister was in full remission from her cancer. Karma? Perhaps, though I never thought of it in an instant-gratification way. September 4 at 10:46am
John Magee went wakeboarding today for the first time in a loooong, loooong time. September 6 at 6:40pm
Well, *this* little pop song brightened my lunchtime considerably. Beware of clicking on the link ... it's catchy! September 11 at 12:10pm
Beagle haiku continues to take the world by storm. Resistance to seventeen furry syllables is futile. Beagle Haikus on the LaMarotte blog. September 13 at 11:46pm

Beagle haiku continues to take the world by storm. Resistance to seventeen furry syllables is futile. Beagle Haikus on the LaMarotte blog. September 13 at 11:46pm

So when the school guidance counselor visited our homeroom, he said, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And I said, "I want to be America's #1 purveyor of doggy haiku." September 24 at 8:47pm
Go hard, win the game. / With honor you will keep your fame. / Down the field and gain, / A Lion victory! / GO LIONS! September 27 at 5:18pm
(Yes, that's right. The Detroit Lions won a football game.)
John Magee has admitted his addiction. I added "Usagi Yojimbo" to the pull list at my comic-book shop today. September 30 at 10:58pm
How was my week? Monday - merit raise at work. Wednesday - dead furnace. Friday - large bill for furnace repair. Easy come, easy go, I guess, but it might've been nice to think I was going to pocket more money for at least a full week before reality struck. October 2 at 3:28pm
How was my week? Monday - merit raise at work. Wednesday - dead furnace. Friday - large bill for furnace repair. Easy come, easy go, I guess, but it might've been nice to think I was going to pocket more money for at least a full week before reality struck. October 2 at 3:28pm
If I may quote me, after Polanco dropped that easy double-play ball and let in another run: "Okay, that's it. I'm going to have to drink if I'm going to watch any more of this historic Tiger collapse." Tasty beer in hand, I'm now prepared to watch more. October 3 at 7:52pm
Ooooh, nooooo. Magglio, I'm the one drinking the beer. Why are you the one falling down and missing the fly ball?!!! October 3 at 8:13pm
The Tigers are killing me. This is not a metaphor. October 3 at 9:59pm
Sigh. Miggy, Miggy, Miggy. Mickey Mantle was a fine batter, but he was *not* a role model. October 5 at 12:31pm
I thought Miguel Cabrera was America's favorite drunk Tiger. Turns out that honor belongs to Stumpy! Who knew? October 5 at 6:21pm
I thought Miguel Cabrera was America's favorite drunk Tiger. Turns out that honor belongs to Stumpy! Who knew? October 5 at 6:21pm
Stumpy the Drunk Midget Tiger
Let's go Tigers! Clap! Clap! Clap, clap, clap! Let's go Tigers! Clap! Clap! Clap, clap, clap! Let's go Tigers! Clap! Clap! Clap, clap, clap! LET'S GO TIGERS! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP!October 6 at 2:23pm
Ohhhhhh, noooooooooooo! October 6 at 9:49pm
John Magee still can't believe the Detroit Tigers are not the 2009 AL Central Champions. October 7 at 11:09pm
John Magee just tried to click "Like" on a work e-mail with a piece of news that I liked. This may be a sign it's time for a few days away from Facebook. October 8 at 12:26pm
John Magee finds it ironic that Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize the same morning he starts the galaxy's first interplanetary war by bombing the Moon. October 9 at 10:27am
John Magee finds it ironic that Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize the same morning he starts the galaxy's first interplanetary war by bombing the Moon. October 9 at 10:27am
Moon 'bombed' by space probes in the hunt for hidden water - Times Online
John Magee is watching a live broadcast of a Soyuz lander de-orbiting from the International Space Station on the NASA channel, which I'm receiving on my satellite receiver and watching on my flat-screen TV. I may not own a flying car, but it sure does make me feel as if I'm living in 21st Century. October 10 at 11:50pm
John Magee is watching a live broadcast of a Soyuz lander de-orbiting from the International Space Station on the NASA channel, which I'm receiving on my satellite receiver and watching on my flat-screen TV. I may not own a flying car, but it sure does make me feel as if I'm living in 21st Century. October 10 at 11:50pm
John Magee Lunchin' in the cube: Homemade chili and rice, a bit of baguette, and a couple of fresh in-season Michigan apples. Yummy! 6 hours ago
John Magee Lunchin' in the cube: Homemade chili and rice, a bit of baguette, and a couple of fresh in-season Michigan apples. Yummy! 6 hours ago
Neil Walker YOU HAVE A CUBE??? 6 hours ago
John Magee Still livin' the dream, Neil. Still livin' the dream. 5 hours ago
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